Every one of our clients are looking to connect with their customers, offering them service and product solutions. Whether the client is a new company or an established business looking for a few new quality customers, the marketing journey is the same.

A customer's journey begins with discovery or curiosity- who you are, and what solutions you offer- enhanced with details that develop the customer's trust. Part of our process is developing your message and what differentiates you from the competition.
"The customer process is discovery, developing trust and knowledge and finally commitment."
Your website is one tool in your marketing arsenal- an easy way for visitors to learn about your services or products, discover why they should trust you and ultimately to contact you in order to find out more via a form, a chat box, following you on social media, or subscribing to your website for a free download, or special offers and company updates.
Creating leads or selling a product or service is the end goal but helping potential clients to understand how they can benefit from your services is key. This is why before we start a website design, we spend time really creating your messaging and developing the brand.
Marketing isn't just one and done. You can compare it to a relationship or friendship:
- discovery about each other
- building trust that is mutually beneficial
- give and take
- be the one that they turn to
Huh? How does that translate to my business?
Discovery - Your potential clients need to learn about who you are and whether you are a good match for their needs. They may read about you on the website or via a paid ad on Google, FB or Instagram. Or perhaps you have sales people reaching out to them. They need to become aware of your brand. One goal is for you to capture their email or follow you on social media, so that you can continue to develop the relationship.
Build Trust - From the initial discovery stage, your role is to develop the relationship and offer solutions to potential problems via calls, meetings (ok maybe not face to face currently), email, sharing product and service updates. Many marketers believe that there needs to be up to seven touch points on the journey to conversion. Some tools built into your website can help with that - blogposts, emails with updates or product highlights, email automations (a series of emails that automatically go to your potential customer aka email drip campaign), events such workshops etc.
Give and Take - During your email automations give them something for free- a guide to a service, a link to a video you created offering some how to knowledge, share your experience, a coupon towards a service or product etc- anything that encourages interaction with your business and increases knowledge. Their take? Taking the time to read, watch or sign up for your incentive.
Be The One - Your potential client may now be ready to book that paid service or buy a product, attend a paid workshop, etc. When they are ready it will be your company that comes to mind when they are looking.
The key to this customer relationship is offering benefits or solutions. The journey can be a long one, but consistency and strategy will lead to customers.

As part of your overall marketing strategy, think about your goals at the different stages of your business. This might include building your email list or increasing your social media following, or increasing your order size if you are already well established. I hope this gives you some food for thought as we begin this new year of business.